It was all systems go this month when the Hope Vale Council vacated the Jack Bambie building, Shirley Costello was appointed the Centre manager and the centre was painted in preparation for the arrival of furniture, shelving and computers. Shirley and Lee Robertson (CEO of Hope Vale Council) had a lot of fun choosing the colours and the Centre has now been transformed from a dull yellow (see “before” photo) into a lollipop wonderland.
I would like to personally thank Mayor McLean, the Hope Vale Councillors,Lee Robertson, Shirley Costello, Terena Hopkins (Dept of Communities) Renee Colless (State Library), James Leech (State Library) and the community painters and furniture removal team for all their hard work this week.
I would also like to express my appreciation to a number of people who have contributed to the success of this venture:
- The Hope Vale Mayor and Councillors, from both the past and present council – thank you for your vision and support for this concept and also to the advisory committee for their time and ideas. Also, Leanne Rayner, Lyn Jantke and Maureen Liddy from Education Qld for your patient and continued support.
- The Qld State Library management team of Lea Giles-Peters, Robert Bardy and Amanda Jolly, Renee Colless - thank you for your generous support and for finding all those surplus chairs in your basement to be sent to Hope Vale for a second life.
- The WorkVentures management of Ralph Gatt and Arsenio Allegro and your backers of AMP Foundation and Microsoft – thank you for the generous computer donations.
- Michael Hogan and Terena Hopkins (Dept of Communities) - thank you for your support through what can only be described as a ground breaking private/public partnership.
- The Hon Rod Welford MP Minister for Education, Training and the Arts, Jason O’Brien Member for Cook and the Hon Lindy Nelson-Carr, Minister for Communities, Disability Services, Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Partnerships, Multicultural Affairs, Seniors and Youth– thank youfor making this all possible.
- Charles Justin from SJB Architects for your layout plans.
- Special thank you to Bob Magid, who is in the UK at the moment and is missing all the fun. Bob’s dream started all this....