The Dot.Com.Mob is actively supporting the resourcing of technology centres in remote Indigenous communities in partnership with the State Library of Qld. These centres are called Indigenous Knowledge and Technology Centres.
The Internet can help overcome the disadvantage experienced by students living in remote locations and the latest offering from the State Library is an example of this.
The State Library of Queensland has recently purchased a state-wide licence for Yourtutor.
Any member of the public with a library card can log-in with their library bar-code to receive free online support completing homework, assignments or preparing for exams.
IKC administrators are encouraged to promote this free service to members of their communities.
Simply follow the links and choose your IKC location (e.g. Torres Strait Island Regional Council) and you will be placed in line to receive support from a live tutor - a real person!
Puruntatameri Pottery
“I come from Rangani, that is north western Melville Island (one of the
Tiwi Islands). Making this work, I reflect who I am, who my family are and
our da...
11 months ago