In particular, the objective is to give younger community members a useful occupation to divert them from problematic pastimes and to re-engage them with mainstream education. If the success to date is maintained, it is likely that such centres will form the model for developing IKTCs in Indigenous communities Australia wide.
Your donation will be spent directly on bolstering technology resources in the IKTC of your choice and all donations are tax deductable.
Communities to choose from are:
Cape York and the Northern Peninsular Area
Hope Vale
Lockhart River

New Mapoon
Wujal Wujal
Torres Strait
Badu (Mulgrave Island)
Boigu (Boigu Island)
Dauan (Mt Cornwallis)
Erub (Darnley Island)
Iama (Yam Island)
Kubin (Moa Island)
Mabuiag (Mabuiag Island)
Poruma (Coconut Island)
Southern Queensland
Brisbane (kuril dhagun)
Cherbourg (Winifred Fisher Knowledge Centre)
Alternatively, you may wish to make a non-designated donation to support the overall program.
The ICBF has been set up as an independent entity by the Rotary Club of Sydney Cove to provide an effective means of receiving and distributing donations to meet the special needs of Indigenous communities in Australia in order to improve the living situation and standards in those communities. This entity has DGR and PBI status under the Tax Act.
Please contact the Dot.Com.Mob at